
If you feel that you are in immediate danger, please call 911.



Sexual assault is a form of sexual violence and is an attempt, 加上能力, 在未经他人同意的情况下,因他人的性别或性取向而对他人实施暴力伤害. Examples of sexual assault include 不需要的 touching, 接吻, 被溺爱的人, 或者穿透口腔, vagina, 或者用手指戳肛门, penis, 或对象.


Dating violence is a form of sexual violence, 虐待是由与受害者有浪漫或亲密社会关系的人实施的. This may include someone the victim just met; i.e.例如,在聚会上,通过朋友介绍,或者在社交网站上.



Hazing, 定义为导致或可能导致身体危险或身体伤害的行为, or serious 心理 or emotional harm to any student 或者其他人, or which destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, 进入, 联系与, or as a condition for continued membership in, 一组或 组织. 受害人的明示或暗示同意不能作为辩护理由. Apathy or acquiescence in the presence of hazing are not neutral acts; they are violations of this rule.

Learn more about Hazing Prevention here


跟踪指的是针对特定的人(基于性别或性别)的重复行为,使该人对他/她或他人的安全感到合理的恐惧, or causes the victim to suffer substantial emotional distress. 在大多数情况下,跟踪者试图恐吓、骚扰和控制他们的受害者. 跟踪也经常发生在一段虐待关系中,在这种关系中,虐待者试图跟踪和控制受害者的行动和互动.


Examples of stalking behavior include:

  • Making 不需要的 telephone calls
  • Waiting inside or outside buildings
  • 遥望
  • Sending 不需要的 letters or emails
  • 不必要的拜访
  • 送不想要的礼物


  • A current or ex-boy/girlfriend
  • 一个同学
  • 一个熟人
  • 我的一个朋友
  • 一个同事






家庭暴力筛查 Quiz—Are you a victim of domestic violence? 
情感虐待 Test—Are you in an emotionally-abusive relationship? 
“我被虐待了吗?” Quiz—Does your relationship show signs of abuse?








Letter from Stanford 性侵犯 Victim 
Father's Response to Dan Turner's Statement (Stanford Assault)



心理或情感虐待涉及行为对受害者造成的创伤, 行为威胁, 或者强制策略.

Examples of emotional abuse include:

  • 羞辱受害者
  • Controlling what the victim can and cannot do
  • Withholding information form the victim
  • Getting annoyed if the victim disagrees
  • 故意做一些让受害者感到尴尬的事情
  • Taking advantage of the victim
  • Isolating the victim from friends or family
  • 禁止使用交通工具、金钱、电话或其他基本资源的
  • Using the victim's children to control victim's behavior

这个列表并不详尽. 其他行为可能被认为是情感虐待,如果他们被受害者视为这样. 另外, 并非所有受害者都认为清单上的某些行为是心理上或情感上的虐待.


街头骚扰是一种发生在公共场所陌生人之间的性骚扰. 它通常以不尊重的行为或评论的形式出现, 不需要的, 威胁和/或骚扰, and are motivated by gender or gender expression. Street harassment is considered a human rights issue by the U.N. 以及其他全球组织,因为它限制了受害者安全舒适地进入公共场所的能力.

How you should react to street harassment depends on the situation. Your safety is always the first priority, so if you feel the situation could be unsafe, you should walk away from the
perpetrators without making eye contact or engaging them. 如果你在校园里遇到街头骚扰,请拨打校园安全电话(509)527-2222报告. If it is an emergency and you fear for your safety, call 911. Stop 街头骚扰 offers tips on dealing with harassers 以及其他的选择 what to do before or after the harassment 已经发生了.


家庭暴力是性暴力的一种形式,是对现任或前任配偶的虐待, current or former cohabitant, someone with whom the abuser has a child, 与施虐者有约会或订婚关系的人, 或者华盛顿州家庭暴力法下的类似情况.

同居是指两个不相关的人在相当长的一段时间内共同居住, resulting in some permanency of relationship. Factors that may determine whether persons are cohabiting include, 但不限于, (一)同居期间发生性关系的, (2) sharing of income or expenses, (3) joint use or ownership of property, (4) whether the parties hold themselves out as husband and wife, (5) the continuity of the relationship, and (6) the length of the relationship.

Fact: People respond to an assault in different ways. 你没有反抗并不代表那不是强奸. 许多受害者做出了正确的判断,即身体抵抗会使攻击者变得更加暴力.

Fact: Alcohol and drugs are not an excuse – or an alibi. 不管你是喝醉了还是清醒了,如果性行为是未经双方同意的,那就是强奸. Forcing sex on someone who is too drunk to give 同意 (legally drunk) is considered a crime in most states. 强奸是犯罪. 在酒精或毒品的影响下犯罪的人不能被认为是无罪的.

真相:强奸可能发生在侵犯者和受害者之前就有关系的情况下(有时被称为“约会强奸”或“熟人强奸”)。. If it is non-consensual this time, it is rape.

真相:因为强奸是危及生命的,每个强奸犯都有自己的模式, 受害者能做的最好的事情就是跟随自己的直觉,观察强奸犯的任何暗示. If the victim has escaped alive, they have behaved the right way.

真相:研究发现,绝大多数强奸都是有计划的. Rape is the responsibility of the rapist alone. 机会是决定特定强奸犯何时实施强奸的最重要因素.

真相:一项全国性的研究报告称,29%的女性和22%的男性在某种程度上曾是身体暴力的受害者, sexual, or 心理 intimate partner violence. 每年在美国.S., more than 800,000 men and 1.500万妇女遭受亲密伴侣的性暴力或家庭暴力. 认为家庭暴力只发生在低收入家庭也是一种误解. 事实上,家庭暴力发生在所有经济和种族背景的人身上.

Fact: There are many types of abuse, 包括物理, sexual, verbal, 心理, 和情感. Not all abuse results in physical injuries. 如果一个人不断地伤害你、吓唬你、羞辱你或轻视你,这仍然是虐待. 许多施虐者还会试图控制你的选择和你的财务状况, isolate you from friends and family, 或者通过坚持时刻知道你在哪里而变得过度控制. These are all examples of abuse.

事实:酗酒和吸毒并不会导致家庭暴力,尽管它经常伴随着家庭暴力. 施虐者仍然要对他/她的行为负责,即使没有酗酒或吸毒,也要表现出虐待行为.

Fact: Domestic violence is not solely the physical abuse. 其他控制行为, 比如恐吓, 控制决策, 和隔离受害者, are integral parts of the abuse. 施虐者想要通过很多方式获得控制权,而这些都是有意为之.

Fact: Domestic violence includes many forms of abuse, 包括物理, sexual, verbal, 心理, 和情感. 性虐待包括性侵犯、骚扰或剥削. 当施虐者想要控制受害者时,就会发生家庭暴力. Sexual abuse is another method of exerting that control.

真相:男人几乎和女人一样经常成为家庭暴力的受害者. Studies have reported that for every 47 women who are abused, there are at least 32 men who are abused.